* Annual planning with learning objectives of each class that establish the necessary annual contents, ensuring the evolution in student communication.
* Digital resources and activities that engage students in projects, cultural presentations, practical and creative application - this keeps them engaged.
* Evaluation of the results considering the structures that must be assimilated in each school year, aiming at the student's evolution in the four essential English language skills: speaking, listening, writing and reading.

Yes, we are a Google School!
The Google G Suite is a technological solution designed to make life easier for teachers and students in and out of classrooms, anytime, from any device connected to the internet.
With Classroom-only solutions, our students have all of Google's concentrated tools to promote and support educational activities! Our keywords are Share, Store and Communicate.
A Space to Play and Learn - EBA
Espaço Aberto School offers Kindergarten and Elementary School students the Space to Play and Learn Program (EBA). The EBA is our proposal of Full Time School.